David Coz who worked at the Google offices in Paris, but what he really wants is hoping to one day work in the headquarters in Silicon Valley.
Last spring, Coz he developed prototypes to leave France, visited Google's headquarters in mountain view, he hopes to probe into his latest project and headquarters. This prototype is a pair of cardboard into a virtual reality head-mounted devices--the predecessor of what is now Cardboard.
Two months later, Sundar Pichai at Google I/O 2014 Developers Conference held in San Francisco to announce the keynote stage of this project, after the end of the keynote, Google will give thousands of Cardboard programmers to participate in the General Assembly. This is a slightly a little "weird" episode, usually based on traditional Google Developer Conference participants will be given the total over millions of dollars worth of mobile phones, tablet computers and other electronic equipment, and this one looks a bit shabby. Hello Kitty iPad Mini Case
But now we can see, this "low tech" equipment were firmer footing by Google in a new field.
Coz got to work in the Silicon Valley headquarters, he and the other jointly developed Cardboard staff in Paris became a member of the Google team VR. Last December, the VR team has also been wooing a group of University of Washington team of vision experts led by Professor Steve Seitz. John Wiley was responsible for monitoring the Visual design of Google search engine, has recently joined the team of VR. Growing team of VR technology Google can compete with Facebook, Microsoft and other companies.
In Shang Thursday Lei Feng network full live has Google I/O 2015 developers Assembly, will Shang VR team of head Clay Bavor show has new of Cardboard virtual reality equipment, meanwhile he also announced has Google design out of a paragraph contains has 16 a camera, and can shooting 360 degrees video of equipment, and specifically for this paragraph equipment development of software system can will these video conversion into that can to people brings immersive experience of video. Google says this is their "Jump" VR platform and announced a cooperation and GoPro.
Cardboard just Google into VR's "pioneer", Google and more needs to be done.
20% project
Google rise of Cardboard display differs from Google daily operations. In Paris, Coz has worked for the Google culture Institute, his job is to museums and other institutions of art available to everyone to enjoy on the Web. He developed the Cardboard is only a "20% project"--Google staff will spend one day a week time (20% time), came to think of some new ideas. According to past records, the "20% project" has been a lot of very good products, such as Gmail and AdSense. Hello Kitty mini case
After the start of the project, they realize you can phone and headset to watch 3D video fixed together, but they need to do is require to ensure that mobile phones know what your head is moving in the direction to watch. Coz said that their ideas can become a way for students to visit the Virtual Museum Gallery.
According to the information network of Lei feng, the use of Cardboard and now number as many as 1 million people, which makes Cardboard became the most successful virtual reality device. The plans to use Google, anyone can develop their own headset, and it only needs two lenses placed in front of the Cardboard, and back into the phone. Application on the mobile phone users will be able to play the stereo video, these videos are taken from two slightly different angles of the same scene, through two separate lenses (one for each eye) will create the illusion of depth when viewing.
As the project unfolded, the team joined the design team. Prior to this, the camera team has developed a 3D photo tour feature on Google Maps, and after you shoot a photo tools for refocusing.
According to the Wall Street Journal reported that Google VR team is currently developing a "virtual reality based on Android operating system version. "This means that the operating system will run in a new type of hardware products.
Google's efforts in virtual reality to make it and Facebook is on the same parallel tracks, Facebook acquired Oculus VR start-ups early last year, and is scheduled to start when officially released Oculus Rift. Meanwhile, Google is eyeing "augmented reality" is similar to Microsoft is exploring Hololens, apart from the many discussions of Google Glass, they spent $ 542 million invested in augmented reality startups Magic Leap.
Back on the Cardboard, Coz think Cardboard is a project at the right time.
via wired
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